Got bungeecord up and running.
Wanted players to HAVE to join through Bungeecord server, installed OnlyProxyJoin. Worked great.
Then I wanted to make it so I could IP ban players. I realized that I couldn't do this if players joined through the Bungee IP, because that's what everybody's IP was showing as. So I set my IP forwarding to true.
Now I find myself stuck. When players initially join the proxy, they are put into the last server they were in (which is how I set it up). However, they...
[Help] Important noobish question
Wanted players to HAVE to join through Bungeecord server, installed OnlyProxyJoin. Worked great.
Then I wanted to make it so I could IP ban players. I realized that I couldn't do this if players joined through the Bungee IP, because that's what everybody's IP was showing as. So I set my IP forwarding to true.
Now I find myself stuck. When players initially join the proxy, they are put into the last server they were in (which is how I set it up). However, they...
[Help] Important noobish question