I've followed the steps in the website (http://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/how-to-setup-bungeecord-on-shared-hosting/). But however, this happens (http://prntscr.com/3ilqak)
I did put Ip forwarding to true. And in all of the spigot config servers, I made BungeeCord true. So I can't find the problem in that
There is no online-mode in all of the servers too... (BungeeCord's online mode is set to false and in the properties, it's set to false)
And it seems that there is...
Ip Forward error...
I've followed the steps in the website (http://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/how-to-setup-bungeecord-on-shared-hosting/). But however, this happens (http://prntscr.com/3ilqak)
I did put Ip forwarding to true. And in all of the spigot config servers, I made BungeeCord true. So I can't find the problem in that
There is no online-mode in all of the servers too... (BungeeCord's online mode is set to false and in the properties, it's set to false)
And it seems that there is...
Ip Forward error...