So today I started a small BungeeCord network in my dedicated server just to test some plugins, and I realized I couldn't connect to it. I almost immediately knew the problem... I had set 'host' to '' in the configuration. After I set it to '<My Server IP:25565>' I could connect to it. But why couldn't I connect to it when host was set to ''?
Also, what happens if I set it to ''?
Finally, what does the 'bungeecord' option do in the Spigot.yml...
Some More BungeeCord Questions...
So today I started a small BungeeCord network in my dedicated server just to test some plugins, and I realized I couldn't connect to it. I almost immediately knew the problem... I had set 'host' to '' in the configuration. After I set it to '<My Server IP:25565>' I could connect to it. But why couldn't I connect to it when host was set to ''?
Also, what happens if I set it to ''?
Finally, what does the 'bungeecord' option do in the Spigot.yml...
Some More BungeeCord Questions...