Hello spigot community,
I wanted to ask how I could manage it that servers are dynamicaly "created" and then "registered" so you can access them through the bungeecord proxy.
To clarify what I mean:
Let's say you got a minigames server with SurvivalGames and Paintball. Now, if many players want to play SG, but almost nobody plays Paintball right now, the resources (or the "servers") of Paintball are used to host more SG servers to handle the flood of players. If the SG "hype" has ended, maybe...
Dynamicaly create and register Servers.
I wanted to ask how I could manage it that servers are dynamicaly "created" and then "registered" so you can access them through the bungeecord proxy.
To clarify what I mean:
Let's say you got a minigames server with SurvivalGames and Paintball. Now, if many players want to play SG, but almost nobody plays Paintball right now, the resources (or the "servers") of Paintball are used to host more SG servers to handle the flood of players. If the SG "hype" has ended, maybe...
Dynamicaly create and register Servers.