Hey there,
I just finished up configuring my BungeeCord server and everything is running smoothly. Now, I just need to add some features, hub plugins and general global settings. I had a few general questions which I'd like some insight on, and they may totally be noob questions. Thanks for your time.
For plugins, is there anyway to have global plugins and their configurations on all servers? I.E - Anti-Cheat and Permissions.
Or, do I just need to install the plugin on each server and...
BungeeCord set-up, just some polishing. General Questions.
I just finished up configuring my BungeeCord server and everything is running smoothly. Now, I just need to add some features, hub plugins and general global settings. I had a few general questions which I'd like some insight on, and they may totally be noob questions. Thanks for your time.
For plugins, is there anyway to have global plugins and their configurations on all servers? I.E - Anti-Cheat and Permissions.
Or, do I just need to install the plugin on each server and...
BungeeCord set-up, just some polishing. General Questions.