10:10:28 [SEVERE] [Portanna] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [Tamriel] - encountered exception
The server, from time to time, kicks 5 or 6 players randomly giving that error in console and giving in chat the message "The server you were previously on went down... ".
Bungeecord bukkit.yml http://gyazo.com/16dc750f6e9143f3fda03524f125d47c
Bungeecord config.yml listeners: http://gyazo.com/a9ea3c2cf4a9deb7e0ea0e8e785876bb
Using Bungeecord...
Bungeecord randomly kicking users and using 300% cpu
The server, from time to time, kicks 5 or 6 players randomly giving that error in console and giving in chat the message "The server you were previously on went down... ".
Bungeecord bukkit.yml http://gyazo.com/16dc750f6e9143f3fda03524f125d47c
Bungeecord config.yml listeners: http://gyazo.com/a9ea3c2cf4a9deb7e0ea0e8e785876bb
Using Bungeecord...
Bungeecord randomly kicking users and using 300% cpu