I do not use bungeecord at this moment, but I have plans of using it in the future, for more servers. I am not a bungee expert. Recently I had a talk with one of my players. He said that bungeecord is not secure, and there is an exploit that makes it so someone can take over a bungee server. He told me he would not give me any details about the exploit for security reasons. Now this makes me a bit worried and I suddenly do not feel that great about switching over to bungee in the...
Is BungeeCord Secure?
I do not use bungeecord at this moment, but I have plans of using it in the future, for more servers. I am not a bungee expert. Recently I had a talk with one of my players. He said that bungeecord is not secure, and there is an exploit that makes it so someone can take over a bungee server. He told me he would not give me any details about the exploit for security reasons. Now this makes me a bit worried and I suddenly do not feel that great about switching over to bungee in the...
Is BungeeCord Secure?