Today I turn to Your Knowledge because I have an enormous problem :
I have a dedicated server that is named EnergyFight which has about 80 - 90 co,
I recently decided to create a server authantification with bungeecord and put my authme on for lighten my main server knowing that the plugin authme uses a lot of resources.
So I managed to connect with my servers bungeecord , the player types his password and he is teleported on the main server by a teleportation portal , but problem...
[BungeeCord] Problem hack
Today I turn to Your Knowledge because I have an enormous problem :
I have a dedicated server that is named EnergyFight which has about 80 - 90 co,
I recently decided to create a server authantification with bungeecord and put my authme on for lighten my main server knowing that the plugin authme uses a lot of resources.
So I managed to connect with my servers bungeecord , the player types his password and he is teleported on the main server by a teleportation portal , but problem...
[BungeeCord] Problem hack