That is the error I get when logging into bungeecord today. However, the login servers are not down.
Here is the error I get:
[SOLVED] Error occurred while contacting login server, are they down?
Here is the error I get:
Code (Text):
05.08 13:19:19 [Server] INFO at
05.08 13:19:19 [Server] INFO at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
05.08 13:19:19 [Server] INFO at
05.08 13:19:19 [Server] INFO at...
05.08 13:19:19 [Server] INFO at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
05.08 13:19:19 [Server] INFO at
05.08 13:19:19 [Server] INFO at...