Whenever my friend joins the game on my bungeecord network, everything is fine until some random moment where they get kicked.. this is the message in the console from the proxy,
[m>[2K15:35:45 [WARNING] [Lowes_] -> UpstreamBridge - NativeIoException: syscall:read(..) failed: Connection reset by peer [m>[2K15:35:45 [INFO] [Lowes_] disconnected with:...
BungeeCord Random Kicking??
[m>[2K15:35:45 [WARNING] [Lowes_] -> UpstreamBridge - NativeIoException: syscall:read(..) failed: Connection reset by peer [m>[2K15:35:45 [INFO] [Lowes_] disconnected with:...
BungeeCord Random Kicking??