Hello everyone.
I have a somewhat weird problem. Bungeecord works fine, so does the server. I can connect and everything.
If i want to connect through bungeecord i set my servers to "online-mode: false" and bungeecord to "online-mode: true"
But then when i connect i get a new "identity" but with the same minecraft account
EVERYTHING resets mcMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, Permissions etc.
I thought "damn" and tried a few things to get my "old" identity back including my...
[SOLVED]Online-mode problems
I have a somewhat weird problem. Bungeecord works fine, so does the server. I can connect and everything.
If i want to connect through bungeecord i set my servers to "online-mode: false" and bungeecord to "online-mode: true"
But then when i connect i get a new "identity" but with the same minecraft account
EVERYTHING resets mcMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, Permissions etc.
I thought "damn" and tried a few things to get my "old" identity back including my...
[SOLVED]Online-mode problems