We just updated to Bungeecord for our servers and people are getting reset to the default server after logout and back in (instead of the server they were on).
When investigating, it seems that the player name includes the host its connecting to, and each time the case changes for the host (all caps vs. all lower case), it creates a new entry for that player.
e.g.: { 'player1;Domain.com:25565': server1, 'player1;DOMAIN.COM:25565': server2, 'player1;domain.com:25565': server3 }
First off,...
Strange problem with Hosts in locations.yml
When investigating, it seems that the player name includes the host its connecting to, and each time the case changes for the host (all caps vs. all lower case), it creates a new entry for that player.
e.g.: { 'player1;Domain.com:25565': server1, 'player1;DOMAIN.COM:25565': server2, 'player1;domain.com:25565': server3 }
First off,...
Strange problem with Hosts in locations.yml