I run a bungeecord server and I want a plugin which adds another currency into the game, which are tokens. I was wondering if anyone has already made this plugin, with a feature where you can have a token shop, which can run commands if you buy something. For example 1000 tokens in the token shop runs a command as the console to give the user a /heal .
The shop is GUI based (like ChestCommands).
All this is linked. Tokens are all server wide. You have one amount of tokens. If you have...
Bungeecord tokens?
I run a bungeecord server and I want a plugin which adds another currency into the game, which are tokens. I was wondering if anyone has already made this plugin, with a feature where you can have a token shop, which can run commands if you buy something. For example 1000 tokens in the token shop runs a command as the console to give the user a /heal .
The shop is GUI based (like ChestCommands).
All this is linked. Tokens are all server wide. You have one amount of tokens. If you have...
Bungeecord tokens?