Good afternoon. My players can get on to the individual servers, and access them without going through BungeeCord.
Help me make sure that the players can only come through BungeeCord.
Each player should have there own ip ..
Server version 1.5.2
online-mode = false
I thought about authme + msql, but the *bungeecord* servers are in different places (France and Moscow) and they have very long pings, causing very large lags and delays. For some *spigot/bukkit instances* ping plays an important...
[1.5.2] BungeeCord.
Help me make sure that the players can only come through BungeeCord.
Each player should have there own ip ..
Server version 1.5.2
online-mode = false
I thought about authme + msql, but the *bungeecord* servers are in different places (France and Moscow) and they have very long pings, causing very large lags and delays. For some *spigot/bukkit instances* ping plays an important...
[1.5.2] BungeeCord.